PSA: Vaporizers, MMJ, CBD, Alternative Treatments, and (maybe) Affiliate Links

Just posting a heads up - at certain points I'll likely mention some of the alternative treatments I have attempted and that includes things that aren't totally accepted by all people. I'm mainly talking about medical marijuana and CBD oils, but maybe someone might take offense to my cold therapy experiments - who knows?

I just wanted to preface these future posts by acknowledging that while we may not always agree with each other, I still attempt to understand the other point(s) of view. So I simply ask that you please try to afford me the same luxury.


Edit: I think this is also an appropriate post to mention that in the future I may post product reviews and comparisons, and playing around with affiliate links in those posts is a possibility. I'll put a note at the bottom of those posts indicating the affiliate links if I decide to give it a shot.