So I started this couch to 5k thing a little over 2 weeks ago. I decided to do it barefoot because it's supposedly better for you (check out this link) but holy Jesus are my feet hurting. Blisters are a motherfucker. I've always had pretty intense calluses on my big toes but apparently running barefoot is no match for them. I somehow managed to get blisters underneath the calluses which caused them to dry out and chip away like peanut brittle. It forced me to take an extended 2 day break in my run schedule due to all of the newly exposed tender skin on my feet.
Today was my first day running after the tender skin break and I'm not gonna lie, I was a little worried that my feet were going to get raw and bleed all over the place during my run today. Thankfully, my body defied all odds and I'm happy to report that today was my first day running that didn't result in ANY blisters!!! My sore calves are another story...